Macintosh LC (continue)

I run both machines. First - recap, on first macintosh I also change dc-dc for nubus. On this computer 2 legs on EGRET was rotted, but it works. Main problem was in PSU and VRAM simm. PSU also need recap and full review. Anyway now it both works! Bingo! Recap guide for motherboard and for PSU

August 10, 2024


Resting is not the same as working. Come back from vacation. Two weeks have rest under sun, come back to Moscow. No work, no run, no fuss. Wife satisfied, childs happy. Time to get work.

July 25, 2024

Macintosh LC story

Some time ago I was order Macintosh LC as working computer … Yes, it doen’t work, so I start to repair it… (Unsuccess yet). But I found donor to finish repairing, so story continued, but still not finish… Read

May 8, 2024

Arctic cat

In the middle of winter I became interested in buying a snow bike. I searched for quite a long time, chose and finally it happened at the end of the season! ;) Artcic cat 570 bearcat long There’s still snow in the forest, so I managed to go for a drive, took the kids for a ride, and of course they were happy, especially the youngers ;) Over the summer need to put the little things in order and prepare for winter....

March 21, 2024

Hardware collection

Unexpected big update There is an unexpected business trip to St. Petersburg. Colleagues reminded me about it in 2 hours in advance, fortunately we were able to buy tickets. It’s strange, every day people rush back and forth, so there are practically no tickets in economy at all, first class also disappears and appears very unexpectedly. Anyway, on Sunday evening I am sitting in the train, tired from the worries of the weekend scurry, and create the archive of hardware that somehow I own....

February 25, 2024

First Post

Some times ago I have my own website. I was use it to store different files and photos. Ten years ago I decide drop it down, have not time and no need to store junk files in the dedicated server. From time to time I try to create blog and share some things with public, but don’t find comfortable engine for that. Now its happend. I found Hugo with funny mod PaperMod, learn it and install successfully....

December 20, 2023