Wants to eat? Welcome to botwa ;)
Wants to eat? Welcome to botwa ;)
Print XT case on 3d printer. Models from Sergey Kiselev
Everybody need a house. Long way from 2021 to 2024.
Defans in SPb
C64 games archive
While soldering c64 sd2iec I am looking for additional information about pcb, firmware and etc. Found Stefan Wagner site and github. It contains lots of small but very usefull project and information. Just want to store and notice you about this. GitHub with sources c64 devices DiskMaster DiskBody and xu1541 small board allow connect commodore 1541 disk drives to pc TapeBody allow connect datasette to PC c64 PowerGuard and DiskDrive PowerGuard guardian for old commodores power supply...
Tiny adapter to programming atmega chips here
I have (order year ago) TTL chip tester TES200. Not well from my point of view because support limited sets of chips. I think about new one, found several variants. TES200 (I have) TrolSoft - very good variant but too expensive from my point of view (aprox. 100 usd) Mega-IC-Tester - Opensource tester, based on arduino 2560. Cheap and usefull. Will try to build Mega-IC-tester. In case of unsuccessfull probably order one from TolSoft....
Chance find in the internet. POST how to programm NES games in C
Several electronic schemas simulations programms Qucs_s caneda